Smaller Infinity Domain
Welcome to!
I have owned this domain for close to a decade now, and I have never made the time to make it anything more than a joke. Here’s a picture of how the domain looked yesterday to an external observer:

Clearly, something more professional was warranted.
How I set this site up
I got the inspiration for doing this site from this very excited post describing the ease of setting up a static site on github pages using GoHugo and Github Pages. Most of the work I did for this can be understood by looking at the site source repo and the actual site repo.
Here’s a list of resources I used to do this:
- GoHugo Quick Start
- GoHugo GitHub Pages guide
- Ananke theme
- GitHub Guide for domain setup
- Curtis Larson’s blog post on setting this up with Google Apps for your Domain
Why Smaller Infinity?
I got my Bachelor’s in Math years ago, and for a few years thought I would go to graduate school for mathematics. Eventually I decided to stay in software instead, a decision I don’t regret. Despite my change in focus, I remain fascinated by mathematical topics. At the time I registered this domain, I had recently learned about Georg Cantor and his theories of transfinite numbers. This is not only a really cool and interesting idea allowing for infinities of different relative sizes, but it’s also a sympathetic personal story of the struggles Cantor faced introducing these ideas. Inspired by this, the name Smaller Infinity was born.